MEEG single trial metrics

 Measuring the quality of MEEG single trials

What's the goal?

In a typical MEEG data acquisition session, many trials for a given experimental condition are collected. We know there are variations from trial to trial and some of those variations are measurement errors, others are physiological by nature, and can sometimes actually be relevant and underlie behavioural variability. There is, therefore, some interest in being able to come up with some metrics for each trial.

Time-series metrics

What metrics can be of interest for time-series? or spectra for that matter. Importantly I want those metrics to be independent of specific features in the data. That is we can compute various ratios and variations around/between/among features (e.g. peaks) but this requires to define features. So what's left: 

- temporal SNR is a classic, that's the standard deviation over time, telling us how much variation we have over time

total power gives another picture with how much energy a given trial generated and is related to tSNR

- autocorrelation indicates the smoothness of the data

There is one more, that does depend on a reference. Sometimes, we want to know how much a trial differ from 'others' ; but this other cannot be the mean because the mean is computed using the trial of interest - of one provide a reference mean then we can compute the amplitude deviation 

- amplitude variation, that's the standards deviation from a reference trial

What's does that look like?

Here is an example from 18 subjects and I want to compare the trials underlying those black and red mean ERPs (from Wakeman and Henson, 2015). FYI those were defined as being different in multivariate space, but I want here to know what this means back into the standard time domain.

Figure 1. Means of 'black' and 'red' trials

Temporal SNR

Comparing the red and black trials subject-wise (bootstrapped 20% trimmed mean differences) show that 12/18 subjects plotted above (subjects 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16 and 17) have more variable red trials.

Taking the mean values across all black vs. red trials, the group comparison for figure 1 above, show a significant difference. If the mean is taken not just across all trials but also all channels, the effect is smaller and not significant.

Figure 2. tSNR for channels showing 'maximum differences' (see above) and averages across all channels 

Total Power

Comparing the red and black trials subject-wise (bootstrapped 20% trimmed mean differences) show those same 12/18 subjects have an effect, i.e. since red trials are more variable they are more powerful.

Taking again the mean values across all black vs. red trials, the group comparison for figure 1 above, show a significant difference. If the mean is taken not just across all trials but also all channels, the effect is smaller and not significant.

Figure 3. Power for channels showing 'maximum differences' (see above) and averages across all channels 


Comparing the red and black trials subject-wise (bootstrapped 20% trimmed mean differences) show that 12/18 subjects have an effect, i.e. red trials are more repeating themselves and thus less smooth - 9 subjects are the same as before (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 16 and 17) and 3 uniquely show this effect (9,12,18).

As before, the group comparison of mean values across all black vs. red trials in figure 1 above, shows a significant difference. If the mean is taken not just across all trials but also all channels, the effect is smaller and not significant.

Figure 4. Power for channels showing 'maximum differences' (see above) and averages across all channels 

This result is interesting, because looking at the mean time courses in figure 1, one could think of a peak in high frequencies for red trials - but that doesn't seem to be the case (figure 5) because most often those oscillations are not at a given frequency - yet smoothness is captured here showing differences. 

Figure 5. Mean Power spectrum of trials used to generate mean time course in figure 1.

Amplitude variations

Since those red and black averages/trials comes from a channel-wise multivariate 'distance', maybe unsurprisingly the mean amplitude variations of red trials compared to the mean of black trials are significant for every subject, at the group level, both for the max channels and averaged across all channels. This last result is interesting to me, because the channel-wise distance seem to capture trials with different dynamics (tSNR/smoothness) leading to full scalp differences in amplitudes, and apparently, it's ok to use averages for ERP .. maybe not, but that's another story.

Figure 6. Amplitude variations for channels showing 'maximum differences' (see above) and averages across all channels.


tSNR and Power capture the same information albeit different interpretation, and autocorrelation gives us an idea of smoothness which is somehow inverse of tSNR but goes beyond it - maybe the best metric to capture how noisy data are. Finally, amplitude variations confirm differences of any trial to a reference but I'm not sure it's that useful - I'd happily take comments on all that.


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