The right model for Beta series correlation (fMRI functional connectivity)

How to model data for beta series correlations

Typically, one makes a design matrix with n trials to get n+1 beta maps (the n trials plus the model adjusted mean). Next, from those n maps, one reads the data in a ROI to create a vector a beta values. Finally, that vector is used as input in a new deisgn matrix and ones regress on the n beta maps, ie that tells us from the ROI, which other voxels show that same trial to trial variance - which is an indication of functional connectivity (ie when this voxel changes the other ones are changing too).

What is this post about

The goal is to show that, if differences exist between conditions then it must be accounted for in the analysis ; this is what is done in PPI analyses and this must be computed as well for beta series

Illustration with Matlab code

%% let's simulate some data

% generate 50 beta for 3 conditions and 3 ROI
A = randn(150,3);

% for the sake of the simulation make sure the ROI correlations are close
% to zero by applying a Gram-Smidt orthogonalization

for j=1:n
    for i=1:j-1

%% conduct a beta series correlations as a single condition

% if no correlation, p non significant

Q = (Q.*10) + randn(150,3)./10; % rescale and add noise
Y = Q(:,[2 3]); % the data to regress on (would be other voxels of the brain)
X = [Q(:,1) ones(150,1)]; % our ROI (ie we extract betas per trial in that ROI);
figure; tmp = zscore(X(:,1)); imagesc([tmp/max(tmp) X(:,2)]);
colormap('gray'); title('Design with beta only','FontSize',14);
Beta = pinv(X)*Y; % now solve the regression
Yhat = X*Beta; Res = Y-Yhat;
var = diag(Res'*Res) / (length(Y)-rank(X));

figure; subplot(1,2,1); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,1),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,1),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = Beta(1,1) / sqrt(var(1)*([1 0]*inv(X'*X)*[1 0]'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(1,1),t,p);

subplot(1,2,2); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,2),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,2),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = Beta(1,2) / sqrt(var(2)*([1 0]*inv(X'*X)*[1 0]'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(1,1),t,p);

% conduct a beta series correlations with 3 conditions

% imagine that, on average, cond1 > cond2 > cond3 in ROI 1 and ROI 2
% but all equal in ROI 3

Q(51:100,[1 2]) = Q(51:100,[1 2]) + 2;
Q(101:150,[1 2]) = Q(101:150,[1 2]) + 4;

% let's now recompute without the conditions, which creates a spurious effect
Y = Q(:,[2 3]);
X = [Q(:,1) ones(150,1)];
figure; tmp = zscore(X(:,1)); imagesc([tmp/max(tmp) X(:,2)]);
colormap('gray'); title('Design with beta only','FontSize',14);
Beta = pinv(X)*Y;
Yhat = X*Beta; Res = Y-Yhat;
var = diag(Res'*Res) / (length(Y)-rank(X));

% here we have a problem - the regression is significant, yet it shouldn't
% because the trial to trial variance is the same
figure; subplot(1,2,1); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,1),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,1),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = Beta(1,1) / sqrt(var(1)*([1 0]*inv(X'*X)*[1 0]'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(1,1),t,p);

subplot(1,2,2); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,2),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,2),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = Beta(1,2) / sqrt(var(2)*([1 0]*inv(X'*X)*[1 0]'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(1,1),t,p);

% let's now recompute with the conditions
% the design matrix for conditions is
Xcond = kron(eye(3),ones(50,1));
X = [Xcond Q(:,1) ones(150,1)];
figure; tmp = zscore(X(:,4)); imagesc([X(:,[1:3]) tmp/max(tmp) X(:,end)]);
colormap('gray'); title('Design with condition and beta series','FontSize',14);
Beta = pinv(X)*Y;
Yhat = X*Beta;
Res = Y-Yhat;
var = diag(Res'*Res) / (length(Y)-rank(X));
C = [0 0 0 1 0];

% now that's fine, the confound variable have been removed
figure; subplot(1,2,1); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,1),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,1),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = C*Beta(:,1) / sqrt(var(1)*(C*pinv(X'*X)*C'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(4,1),t,p);

subplot(1,2,2); scatter(Q(:,1),Y(:,2),50,'k'); hold on
plot(Q(:,1),Yhat(:,2),'r','LineWidth',3); grid on
t = C*Beta(:,2) / sqrt(var(2)*(C*pinv(X'*X)*C'));
p= 1-spm_Tcdf(t, (size(Y,1)-rank(X)));
mytitle = sprintf('ROI1 to 2 beta=%g \n t=%g p=%g',Beta(4,2),t,p);


Spurious correlations can appear due to differences between conditions and the same kind of effect has also been shown in resting state functional connectivity looking at motion. I would therefore suggest to make design matrices for beta series correlations always including all know effects: conditions, motion, etc.


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